Eriocrania subpurpurella |
Ghost Moth |
Orange Swift |
Common Swift |
Ectoedemia louisella |
Ectoedemia occultella |
Opostega salaciella |
Emmetia marginea |
Emmetia angusticollella |
Incurvaria masculella |
Lampronia morosa |
Nemophora fasciella |
Nemophora degeerella |
Adela reaumurella |
Adela fibulella |
Leopard Moth |
Goat Moth |
Morophaga choragella |
Haplotinea insectella |
Nemapogon granella |
Nemapogon cloacella |
Monopis laevigella |
Monopis weaverella |
Monopis obviella |
Monopis crocicapitella |
Niditinea fuscella |
Tinea pellionella |
Tinea dubiella |
Tinea semifulvella |
Tinea trinotella |
Leucoptera laburnella |
Lyonetia clerkella |
Bedellia somnulentella |
Bucculatrix nigricomella |
Bucculatrix albedinella |
Bucculatrix thoracella |
Bucculatrix ulmella |
Bucculatrix bechsteinella |
Caloptilia rufipennella |
Caloptilia robustella |
Caloptilia stigmatella |
Caloptilia semifascia |
Caloptilia syringella |
Aspilapteryx tringipennella |
Calybites phasianipennella |
Parectopa ononidis |
Parornix betulae |
Parornix anglicella |
Parornix finitimella |
Delyaornix torquillella |
Phyllonorycter harrisella |
Phyllonorycter mesaniella |
Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae |
Phyllonorycter spinicolella |
Phyllonorycter leucographella |
Phyllonorycter viminetorum |
Phyllonorycter hilarella |
Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella |
Phyllonorycter froelichiella |
Phyllonorycter nicellii |
Phyllonorycter acerifoliella |
Phyllonorycter platanoidella |
Cameraria ohridella |
Phyllocnistis saligna |
Currant Clearwing |
Yellow-legged Clearwing |
Orange-tailed Clearwing |
Red-belted Clearwing |
Red-tipped Clearwing |
Six-belted Clearwing |
Anthophila fabriciana |
Choreutis pariana |
Cocksfoot Moth |
Glyphipterix thrasonella |
Argyresthia trifasciata |
Argyresthia cupressella |
Argyresthia goedartella |
Argyresthia curvella |
Argyresthia spinosella |
Argyresthia semifusca |
Argyresthia pruniella |
Argyresthia bonnetella |
Bird-cherry Ermine |
Yponomeuta padella |
Yponomeuta malinellus |
Yponomeuta cagnagella |
Yponomeuta rorrella |
Pseudoswammerdamia combinella |
Swammerdamia pyrella |
Paraswammerdamia albicapitella |
Paraswammerdamia nebulella |
Ocnerostoma friesei |
Prays fraxinella |
Scythropia crataegella |
Ypsolopha dentella |
Ypsolopha scabrella |
Ypsolopha horridella |
Ypsolopha parenthesella |
Ypsolopha sequella |
Diamond-back Moth |
Plutella porrectella |
Eidophasia messingella |
Orthotelia sparganella |
Acrolepiopsis assectella |
Acrolepia autumnitella |
Epermenia falciformis |
Epermenia chaerophyllella |
Coleophora lutipennella |
Coleophora gryphipennella |
Coleophora flavipennella |
Coleophora serratella |
Coleophora coracipennella |
Coleophora prunifoliae |
Coleophora spinella |
Coleophora milvipennis |
Coleophora lusciniaepennella |
Coleophora violacea |
Coleophora binderella |
Coleophora albitarsella |
Coleophora trifolii |
Coleophora alcyonipennella |
Coleophora mayrella |
Coleophora deauratella |
Coleophora conyzae |
Coleophora linolea |
Coleophora hemerobiella |
Coleophora albidella |
Coleophora anatipennella |
Coleophora ibipennella |
Coleophora betulella |
Coleophora striatipennella |
Coloeophora follicularis |
Coleophora trochilella |
Coleophora peribenanderi |
Coleophora paripennella |
Coleophora therinella |
Coleophora argentula |
Coleophora saxicolella |
Coleophora sternipennella |
Coleophora adspersella |
Coleophora versurella |
Coleophora artemesicolella |
Coleophora taeniipennella |
Coleophora glaucicolella |
Coleophora alticolella |
Coleophora caespititiella |
Coleophora clypeiferella |
Elachista atricomella |
Elachista alpinella |
Elachista luticomella |
Elachista apicipunctella |
Elachista humilis |
Elachista canapennella |
Elachista maculicerusella |
Elachista argentella |
Biselachista utonella |
Biselachista albidella |
Cosmiotes freyerella |
Cosmiotes consortella |
Cosmiotes stabilella |
Batia lunaris |
Batia unitella |
Borkhausenia fuscescens |
Brown House Moth |
White-shouldered House Moth |
Esperia sulphurella |
Carcina quercana |
Diurnea fagella |
Parsnip Moth |
Depressaria badiella |
Depressaria sordidatella |
Agonopterix heracliana |
Agonopterix ciliella |
Agonopterix purpurea |
Agonopterix subpropinquella |
Agonopterix alstromeriana |
Agonopterix propinquella |
Agonopterix arenella |
Agonopterix angelicella |
Ethmia dodecea |
Ethmia quadrillella |
Metzneria lappella |
Metzneria metzneriella |
Eulamprotes wilkella |
Monochroa lucidella |
Monochroa palustrella |
Monochroa hornigi |
Monochroa lutulentella |
Chrysoesthia drurella |
Recurvaria nanella |
Teleiodes vulgella |
Carpatolechia fugitivella |
Teleiodes luculella |
Bryotropha basaltinella |
Bryotropha affinis |
Bryotropha similis |
Bryotropha senectella |
Bryotropha terrella |
Bryotropha domestica |
Chionodes fumatella |
Aroga velocella |
Gelechia senticetella |
Gelechia sororculella |
Gelechia nigra |
Platyedra subcinerea |
Scrobipalpa atriplicella |
Scrobipalpa costella |
Scrobipalpa acuminatella |
Caryocolum proxima |
Aproaerema anthyllidella |
Anacampsis populella |
Anarsia innoxiella |
Juniper Webber |
Brachmia blandella |
Brachmia inornatella |
Helcystogramma rufescens |
Oegoconia quadripuncta |
Oegoconia deauratella |
Blastobasis adustella |
Blastobasis lacticolella |
Batrachedra praeangusta |
Batrachedra pinicolella |
Mompha ochraceella |
Mompha propinquella |
Mompha bradleyi |
Mompha subbistrigella |
Mompha epilobiella |
Cosmopterix zieglerella |
Limnaecia phragmitella |
Blastodacna hellerella |
Blastodacna atra |
Phtheochroa inopiana |
Phtheochroa rugosana |
Phalonidia manniana |
Gynnidomorpha alismana |
Cochylimorpha straminea |
Agapeta hamana |
Agapeta zoegana |
Aethes tesserana |
Aethes cnicana |
Aethes rubigana |
Aethes smeathmanniana |
Aethes beatricella |
Cochylidia implicitana |
Cochylidia heydeniana |
Falseuncaria degreyana |
Cochylis roseana |
Cochylis dubitana |
Cochylis molliculana |
Cochylis hybridella |
Cochylis atricapitana |
Pandemis corylana |
Pandemis cerasana |
Pandemis heparana |
Argyrotaenia ljungiana |
Archips podana |
Archips xylosteana |
Archips rosana |
Choristoneura diversana |
Carnation Tortrix |
Syndemis musculana |
Timothy Tortrix |
Clepsis spectrana |
Clepsis consimilana |
Epiphyas postvittana |
Ptycholoma lecheana |
Lozotaeniodes formosanus |
Lozotaenia forsterana |
Epagoge grotiana |
Red-barred Tortrix |
Pseudargyratoza conwagana |
Cnephasia longana |
Cnephasia stephensiana |
Cnephasia asseclana |
Cnephasia pasiuana |
Cnephasia pumicana |
Cnephasia genitalana |
Cnephasia incertana |
Tortricodes alternella |
Neosphaleroptera nubilana |
Eana incanana |
Aleimma loeflingiana |
Green Oak Tortrix |
Acleris forskaleana |
Acleris holmiana |
Acleris laterana |
Acleris comariana |
Acleris sparsana |
Acleris rhombana |
Acleris aspersana |
Acleris ferrugana |
Acleris notana |
Acleris sheperdana |
Acleris schalleriana |
Acleris variegana |
Acleris logiana |
Acleris hastiana |
Acleris cristana |
Celypha striana |
Celypha rosaceana |
Celypha lacunana |
Piniphila bifasciana |
Hedya pruniana |
Hedya nubiferana |
Hedya salicella |
Apotomis lineana |
Apotomis betuletana |
Endothenia gentianaeana |
Endothenia marginana |
Endothenia nigricostana |
Endothenia ericetana |
Endothenia quadrimaculana |
Lobesia abscisana |
Lobesia littoralis |
Bactra furfurana |
Bactra lancealana |
Eudemis profundana |
Ancylis achatana |
Epinotia bilunana |
Epinotia ramella |
Epinotia demarniana |
Epinotia immundana |
Epinotia nisella |
Epinotia cinereana |
Epinotia tenerana |
Epinotia signatana |
Epinotia nanana |
Epinotia abbreviana |
Crocidosema plebejana |
Rhopobota naevana |
Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana |
Zeiraphera rufimitrana |
Zeiraphera isertana |
Gypsonoma aceriana |
Gypsonoma sociana |
Gypsonoma dealbana |
Gypsonoma oppressana |
Gypsonoma minutana |
Epiblema cynosbatella |
Epiblema uddmanniana |
Epiblema trimaculana |
Epiblema rosaecolona |
Epiblema roborana |
Epiblema grandaevana |
Epiblema foenella |
Epiblema costipunctana |
Eucosma conterminana |
Eucosma campoliliana |
Eucosma hohenwartiana |
Eucosma cana |
Eucosma obumbratana |
Spilonota ocellana |
Spilonota laricana |
Rhyacionia pinicolana |
Enarmonia formosana |
Lathronympha strigana |
Pammene albuginana |
Pammene aurita |
Pammene fasciana |
Pammene germmana |
Grapholita janthinana |
Grapholita tenebrosana |
Grapholita funebrana |
Grapholita lobarsewskii |
Cydia nigricana |
Cydia fagiglandana |
Cydia splendana |
Cydia pomonella |
Pammene aurana |
Dichrorampa alpinana |
Dichrorampha flavidorsana |
Dichrorampha acuminatana |
Dichrorampha simpliciana |
Dichrorampha gueneeana |
Twenty-plume Moth |
Chilo phragmitella |
Calamatropha paludella |
Garden Grass Veneer |
Crambus pascuella |
Crambus lathoniellus |
Crambus perlella |
Agriphila selasella |
Agriphila straminella |
Agriphila tristella |
Agriphila geniculea |
Catoptria pinella |
Catoptria falsella |
Pediasia contaminella |
Platytes alpinella |
Platytes cerussella |
Schoenobius gigantella |
Donacaula forficella |
Water Veneer |
Scoparia subfusca |
Scoparia pyralella |
Scoparia ambigualis |
Scoparia basistrigalis |
Eudonia pallida |
Dipleurina lacustrata |
Eudonia truncicolella |
Eudonia angustea |
Eudonia mercurella |
Brown China-mark |
Ringed China Mark |
Beautiful China-mark |
Small China-mark |
Garden Pebble |
Evergestis extimalis |
Evergestis pallidata |
Pyrausta aurata |
Pyrausta purpuralis |
Pyrausta despicata |
Sitochroa palealis |
Sitochroa verticalis |
Ostrinia nubilalis |
Small Magpie |
Phlyctaenia coronata |
Phlyctaenia perlucidalis |
Nascia cilealis |
Udea lutealis |
Udea prunalis |
Udea olivalis |
Udea ferrugalis |
Rush Veneer |
Duponchelia fovealis |
Mother of Pearl |
Gold Triangle |
Orthopygia glaucinalis |
Meal Moth |
Large Tabby |
Endotricha flammealis |
Wax Moth |
Lesser Wax Moth |
Bee Moth |
Conobathra repandana |
Acrobasis consociella |
Trachycera suavella |
Trachycera advenella |
Pempelia formosa |
Pyla fusca |
Phycita roborella |
Dioryctria abietella |
Dioryctria schuetzeella |
Thistle Ermine |
Assara terrebrella |
Pempeliella dilutella |
Nephopterix angustella |
Ancylosis oblitella |
Euzophera pinguis |
Ephestia elutella |
Ephestia parasitella unicolorella |
Indian Meal Moth |
Homoeosoma sinuella |
Phycitodes binaevella |
Phycitodes maritima |
Oxyptilus distans |
Marasmarcha lunaedactyla |
Amblyptilia acanthadactyla |
Amblyptilia punctidactyla |
Platyptilia gonodactyla |
Platyptilia pallidactyla |
Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla |
Stenoptilia pterodactyla |
White Plume Moth |
Adaina microdactyla |
Ovendenia lienigianus |
Emmelina mondactyla |
December Moth |
The Lackey |
Oak Eggar |
The Drinker |
Emperor Moth |
Oak Hook-tip |
Pebble Hook-tip |
Chinese Character |
Peach Blossom |
Buff Arches |
Figure of Eighty |
March Moth |
Large Emerald |
Blotched Emerald |
Common Emerald |
Small Emerald |
Maiden's Blush |
Bloodvein |
Small Bloodvein |
Lesser Cream Wave |
Cream Wave |
Least Carpet |
Small Fan-footed Wave |
Dwarf Cream Wave |
Small Dusty Wave |
Single-dotted Wave |
Treble Brown Spot |
Small Scallop |
Riband Wave |
Plain Wave |
The Vestal |
Oblique Striped |
The Gem |
Flame Carpet |
Red Twin-spot Carpet |
Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet |
Large Twin-spot Carpet |
Silver-ground Carpet |
Garden Carpet |
Shaded Broad-bar |
Ruddy Carpet |
Royal Mantle |
Common Carpet |
Yellow Shell |
The Mallow |
Shoulder Stripe |
Streamer |
Dark Spinach |
Purple Bar |
The Spinach |
Barred Straw |
Small Phoenix |
Red-Green Carpet |
Dark Marbled Carpet |
Common Marbled Carpet |
Barred Yellow |
Blue-bordered Carpet |
Grey Pine Carpet |
Spruce Carpet |
Juniper Carpet |
Green Carpet |
July Highflyer |
May Highflyer |
Small Waved Umber |
Scarce Tissue |
The Tissue |
Brown Scallop |
Dark Umber |
November Moth |
Winter Moth |
Small Rivulet |
Sandy Carpet |
Twin-spot Carpet |
Maple Pug |
Haworth's Pug |
Foxglove Pug |
Mottled Pug |
Lime-speck Pug |
Triple-spotted Pug |
Freyer's Pug |
Wormwood Pug |
Currant Pug |
Common Pug |
White-spotted Pug |
Grey Pug |
Tawny Speckled Pug |
Bordered Pug |
Yarrow Pug |
Plain Pug |
Ochreous Pug |
Angle-barred Pug |
Golden Rod Pug |
Brindled Pug |
Oak-tree Pug |
V-Pug |
Sloe Pug |
Green Pug |
Double-striped Pug |
Treble-bar |
Lesser Treble-bar |
Small Yellow Wave |
Yellow-barred Brindle |
Magpie |
Clouded Border |
Scorched Carpet |
Peacock |
Tawny-barred Angle |
Latticed Heath |
Brown Silver-line |
Scorched Wing |
Brimstone |
Bordered Beauty |
Lilac Beauty |
Large Thorn |
Canary-shouldered Thorn |
Early Thorn |
Purple Thorn |
Scalloped Oak |
Swallow-tailed Moth |
Feathered Thorn |
Pale Brindled Beauty |
Brindled Beauty |
Oak Beauty |
Peppered Moth |
Scarce Umber |
Dotted Border |
Mottled Umber |
Waved Umber |
Willow Beauty |
Satin Beauty |
Mottled Beauty |
Pale Oak Beauty |
The Engrailed |
Common White Wave |
Common Wave |
Clouded Silver |
Early Moth |
Light Emerald |
Yellow Belle |
Privet Hawkmoth |
Pine Hawkmoth |
Lime Hawkmoth |
Eyed Hawkmoth |
Poplar Hawk Moth |
Hummingbird Hawk Moth |
Striped Hawkmoth |
Elephant Hawkmoth |
Small Elephant Hawkmoth |
Buff-tip |
Puss Moth |
Sallow Kitten |
Poplar Kitten |
Iron Prominent |
Pebble Prominent |
Lesser Swallow Prominent |
Swallow Prominent |
Coxcomb Prominent |
Pale Prominent |
Chocolate-tip |
The Vapourer |
Pale Tussock |
Brown-tail |
Yellow-tail |
White Satin |
Black Arches |
Round-winged Muslin |
Rosy Footman |
Red-necked Footman |
Orange Footman |
Dingy Footman |
Scarce Footman |
Buff Footman |
Common Footman |
Garden Tiger |
White Ermine |
Buff Ermine |
Muslin Moth |
Ruby Tiger |
The Cinnabar |
Kent Black Arches |
Short-cloaked Moth |
Least Black Arches |
White-line Dart |
Garden Dart |
Turnip Moth |
Heart and Club |
Heart and Dart |
Dark Sword-grass |
Shuttle-shaped Dart |
The Flame |
Flame Shoulder |
Large Yellow Underwing |
Lesser Yellow Underwing |
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing |
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing |
Least Yellow Underwing |
Pearly Underwing |
Ingrailed Clay |
Small Square-spot |
Fen Square-spot |
Setaceous Hebrew Character |
Double Square-spot |
Square-spotted Clay |
Six-striped Rustic |
Square-spot Rustic |
The Gothic |
Great Brocade |
Red Chestnut |
Nutmeg |
Shears |
Cabbage Moth |
Dot Moth |
Light Brocade |
Pale-shouldered Brocade |
Dogs Tooth |
Bright-line Brown-eye |
Broad-barred White |
Campion |
Varied Coronet |
Lychnis |
Antler Moth |
Hedge Rustic |
Feathered Gothic |
Pine Beauty |
Small Quaker |
Lead-coloured Drab |
Powdered Quaker |
Common Quaker |
Clouded Drab |
Twin-spotted Quaker |
Hebrew Character |
Brown-line Bright-eye |
The Clay |
White-point |
The Delicate |
Striped Wainscot |
Southern Wainscot |
Smoky Wainscot |
Common Wainscot |
Shoulder-striped Wainscot |
Chamomile Shark |
The Shark |
The Mullein |
The Sprawler |
Deep Brown Dart |
Black Rustic |
Tawny Pinion |
Pale Pinion |
Grey Shoulder-knot |
Blair's Shoulder Knot |
Red Sword-grass |
Early Grey |
Green-brindled Crescent |
Merveille du Jour |
Brindled Green |
Large Ranunculus |
Satellite |
Chestnut |
Dark Chestnut |
The Brick |
Red-line Quaker |
Yellow-line Quaker |
Brown-spot Pinion |
Beaded Chestnut |
Centre-barred Sallow |
Lunar Underwing |
Orange Sallow |
Barred Sallow |
Pink-barred Sallow |
The Sallow |
Dusky-lemon Sallow |
Pale-lemon Sallow |
Poplar Grey |
The Sycamore |
The Miller |
Alder Moth |
Dark Dagger |
Grey Dagger |
Knot Grass |
The Coronet |
Tree-lichen Beauty |
Marbled Beauty |
Copper Underwing |
Svensson's Copper Underwing |
Mouse Moth |
Old Lady |
Bird's Wing |
Brown Rustic |
Straw Underwing |
Angle Shades |
The Olive |
Dingy Shears |
White-spotted Pinion |
The Dun-bar |
Lunar-spotted Pinion |
Dark Arches |
Light Arches |
Clouded-bordered Brindle |
Clouded Brindle |
Dusky Brocade |
Small Clouded Brindle |
Large Nutmeg |
Rustic Shoulder-knot |
Double Lobed |
Marbled Minor |
Rufous Minor |
Tawny Marbled Minor |
Middle-barred Minor |
Cloaked Minor |
Common Rustic |
Lesser Common Rustic |
Small Dotted Buff |
Mere Wainscot |
Small Wainscot |
Dusky Sallow |
Flounced Rustic |
Saltern Ear |
Ear Moth |
Rosy Rustic |
Frosted Orange |
The Crescent |
Bulrush Wainscot |
Twin-spotted Wainscot |
Brown-veined Wainscot |
Webb's Wainscot |
Large Wainscot |
Fen Wainscot |
Treble Lines |
The Uncertain |
The Rustic |
Vine's Rustic |
Small Mottled Willow |
Mottled Rustic |
Pale Mottled Willow |
Silky Wainscot |
Rosy Marbled |
Bordered Sallow |
Scarce Bordered Straw |
Marbled Clover |
Bordered Straw |
Small Marbled |
Marbled White Spot |
Cream-bordered Green Pea |
Scarce Silver-lines |
Green Silver-lines |
Oak Nycteoline |
Nut-tree Tussock |
Burnished Brass |
Dewick's Plusia |
Golden Plusia |
Gold Spot |
Silver Y |
Dark Spectacle |
The Spectacle |
Red Underwing |
The Blackneck |
The Herald |
Beautiful Hook-tip |
Straw Dot |
The Snout |
Buttoned Snout |
The Fan-foot |
Small Fan-foot |
Dotted Fan-foot |
7th August 2018
6 years ago
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